Brief Facts of Mormon History

The Luciferian church of Joseph Smith, know as Mormons, or Latter Day Saints, epitomizes the Nicolatine spirit of CONTROL which the Lord says that He hates. (Rev 2:6&15) Joseph Smith's deal with Lucifer, was so successful because he promised to give the followers of his Mormon religion what they wanted most, to be a god or goddess.

The facts of Mormon history begin in Bainbridge, New York, in 1826. Joseph Smith, after almost being jailed for his many attempts to make easy money by helping people find buried treasure, sought a less risky way to turn buried treasure into money. There are verifiable records of the Bainbridge, New York, March 20, 1826 trial, where young Joseph Smith was found guilty of fraud, using the SAME method by which he later told Mormon faithful he translated Maroni's golden plates into the Book of Mormon. That 1826 trial on charges of "glass looking" really scared him. The judge appears to have been practical enough to not insist on going through with the whole thing if Joseph Smith agreed to leave town. Joseph Smith did leave the area, but that irrefutable record of his tracks of fraud remain there. The facts remain in spite of the many Mormon books written to say otherwise, including modern fraud to attempt to cover over and hide the pits of FRAUD from which Joseph Smith was digged in the 1820's of upstate New York legal history.

Joseph Smith came up with an ingenious plan to use his great skills as a story teller, and the idea of buried treasure, to make easy money and avoid the legal risk, which he came to know quite up close and personal. The idea was to write what he would promote as a true story about magic, religion, and buried treasure that he could sell. His genius was to make it an essential feature of that story that the buried treasure never be found. He had often learned the hard way that not finding the buried treasure is not a good experience for anyone.

Joseph tried to sell the Book of Mormon manuscript but could not find a buyer. Joseph knew that getting the books printed and selling individual copies was really hard, and slow, work. The method Joseph chose was to use the story's novel twists to find a place on the lucrative preachers' circuit. In that time of American history a good preacher was the closest thing we might imagine of a pop rock star today.

Joseph Smith's plan did not work out because he had to learn to be a great public speaker. Only a very few people who believed his story could afford to buy a copy of his book. None of the few who believed Joseph's story had enough money to buy the copyright. That led Joseph Smith to found his own church based upon his story.

Due to the success of the Luciferian church which he founded, many good paying jobs came his way. He was Mayor of Nauvoo which rivaled Chicago at that time for largest Illinois city. Joseph Smith even became commander in chief of a large military force. By founding his Luciferian religion he quickly came to be able to put many of his family and friends into nice paying positions as well.

Over time Joseph Smith refined and polished his story to sound more Christian. He stopped the magical stories and instead told stories about how God the Father, Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, Peter, James and John, as well as most of the key figures from the Old Testament, visited him on a regular basis. He did bring on one notable entirely new player that was sort of an angel that he called Moroni, and a host of smaller part fictional prehistoric American prophets. Moroni was supposed to be one of God’s prophets from the Americas.

Joseph Smith was always interested in religion, and while writing his story he answered a lot of questions that had troubled him about religion. Why do little children need to be baptized? How can a loving God permit evil to exist? Why do poor people suffer so much during this life? And after becoming a religious leader, Joseph Smith spent a lot of time thinking about other spiritually oriented questions, like if families will be together after death. What happened before we came to this earth. Joseph Smith does exhibit gifting from Lucifer, beyond normal intelligence and genius, for continuing to weave ever more complex stories. His stories were appealing to his audience. His stories attracted a steady stream of new converts to his church. However, the majority left once they got to know him and saw how he conducted himself.

There was quite an obvious difference between the morals he preached and the morality he practiced. To this day that remains the hallmark of the Mormon religion, and in their heart every Mormon knows that truth. However in a time of such rapidly eroding moral values and common decency, masses are drawn even to a fraudulent sham of biblical morality.

Joseph Smith began to have some big problems of his own making. He was NUMBER ONE and everyone in the Mormon church knew that. Joseph was thereby presented with many sexual opportunities. Joseph Smith could NOT resist. He could preach moral purity, but Joseph Smith obviously could NOT live and practice what he preached. When he got caught, he made an even bigger mistake. Instead of repenting and asking to be forgiven, Joseph Smith allowed his story telling abilities, demonically inspired beyond genius, to take over. What he told those who had to know because they were the ones who caught him, is that God had told him to have sex with those women, and that this was a sacred secret. Joseph Smith told them that NO ONE must be told about this sacred secret. The sacred secret was so secret that lying was justified to protect it.

Once Joseph's closest friends knew the sacred secret, they wanted to find out if God would tell them the same thing. As God’s prophet, it was Joseph Smith's job, and he had to find that out for them. Joseph Smith needed their cooperation. So, God allowed many of them in on the game, or the sacred secret, as prophet Joseph Smith called it. Eventually, the rumors about this sacred secret, became very widespread as a result of some women who refused to cooperate. The sacred secret was going to be quite public and no secret, and there certainly never was anything sacred about it.

Almost everyone in the community and surrounding area heard about the adultry and polygamy. However because the NUMBER ONE prophet of the church said it was a sacred secret, this resulted in a lot of sacred lying. It actually even became known as "Lying for the Lord" Joseph Smith said that God told them all to lie in this way because the “people were not ready” to hear about the new sexual mores that had been revealed to Joseph Smith and his closest associates, and the women they religiously propositioned.

The honest evaluation of prophet Joseph Smith, outside the narrow confines of the Mormon church finds LYING to be one of Joseph Smith's most often practiced bad habits. Joseph Smith's way of not telling the truth, was to use God as his excuse whenever he could not wiggle out any other way. The not so secret and not at all sacred secret, put his followers who were practicing the sacred secret in a tough position. The rumors and eye witnesses said one thing, and Joseph Smith and closest associates denied it for over ten years.

Joseph Smith created an illegal bank and tricked a bunch of his followers into investing in it. Joseph Smith's bank went bankrupt and a whole bunch of people left because of it. Joseph Smith and his close associate Sidney Rigdon, had to flee the jurisdiction to avoid law suits and jail. It took Joseph Smith quite a while to recover from that, but he did. The honest history regarding Joseph Smith while showing obvious failure regarding truth and
sexual morals, shows the founder of the Luciferian Mormon religion to be very creative and resilient. Joseph Smith moved the whole community to Nauvoo, Illinois, and started over there.

When things were getting difficult regarding the sex stuff in Nauvoo, Joseph attempted to solve the problem by destroying a printing press that was going to spread the news. However, at the same time, news got out that he had recently had himself secretly ordained as King of the Earth. Joseph Smith had promised a whole bunch of people, including many non-Mormons, that they would be the Princes of the Earth if they kept his secrets and helped him become King of the Earth. The combination of the sex stuff, ordering his followers to destroy the printing press, and the “King of the Earth” business made some people so angry, and afraid, that they killed him. Joseph Smith did not die as a martyr, but in a blazing gun fight, where Joseph single handedly killed two and wounded a third.

In actual fact, Joseph Smith, founder and number one prophet of Mormonism was not what he appeared to be. That remains the same for the Church he founded today. Joseph Smith's church is NOT Christian though it likes to pretend to be. Joseph Smith quite frequently was proven to be lying about important matters, and could not, and should not be trusted.

There was a power vacuum after Joseph Smith was killed in that gun fight. There was quite a large number of Mormons who were accustomed to being led by a strong leader. There were many who claimed to be Joseph Smith's successor. Some of Joseph Smith's followers accepted members of his family as their leaders, who had the best claim to Joseph Smith's authority based on what Joseph said and did. However, the largest group followed Brigham Young, who was by far the best showman after Joseph Smith died, and hands down best organizer.

Brigham Young changed a lot of things, and made some crazy rules. His primary genius was to move his people somewhere where they had no other options. Once in isolation, with lots of land to give away, Brigham Young could attract new recruits with all kinds of fancy promises. The poor of Europe flocked to him. Once in Utah, or Arizona, or Idaho, they really had no options in the days of Brigham Young. Brigham Young, though he was not in the same league with Joseph Smith as a story teller, was brilliant as an organizer. Young certainly understood how to exercise power.

Brigham Young put a large group of people down in the middle of the desert. Of necessity they had to find a way to survive. The Mormons found how to survive by working to exhaustion building irrigation canals, AND helping each other religiously, and developed a close to air tight community in the adversity of the desert. Most of those who followed Brigham Young to the desert were, fine people who had deep faith in God, and their prophet leaders. The Mormon followers of Brigham Young demonstrated amazing ability to overcome adversity and seemingly impossible situations. The kind of community they developed was essential to be able to survive in such a wilderness. Many communities similar to the Mormons failed in places where it was not such a wilderness. All working to a point of exhaustion, and religiously helping each other was the reason for success, much more so than what the Mormons like to call a mandate from God.

Even in Utah the Mormon sex problem was still causing trouble. Eventually, the US put so much pressure on the Mormons that Mormon prophets had to proclaim that God changed His mind. The Mormon prophets were forced to say that Mormon men were only allowed to have one wife. If they wanted to have sex with more than one woman, they would have to do like everyone else by sneaking around. For a while the Mormon polygamists did just that, practicing the hallmark of Joseph Smith's Luciferian religion they openly proclaimed not to have sex with their polygamous wives. But, since Joseph
Smith had established the precedent a long time for doing this, it seemed OK. The Mormon theology is ripe with its practices that the end justifies the means. When the Mormon leadership gets caught their historic first resort is to say God has told them to do it. The Mormons had so long seen their leaders say one thing and do another especially in relation to Mormon polygamy that in fact, though kept a secret, Mormon polygamy continues to this day.

Once the Mormons, at least publicly could get the sexually weird polygamy thing dispensed with, they found freedom to go more mainstream, and international in scope.

Eventually the totally controlled, air tight, community Brigham Young had established in Utah broke down. As non-Mormons moved in they brought newspapers, books, and now a days television, satellites, and finally the Internet pumped increasing amounts of information into Mormon communities in Utah and elsewhere. This access of the followers of Joseph Smith's Luciferian religion caused people to question Mormon leaders and their authority with greater frequency. However the intellectuals and scientists were the great threats to the Mormon control. Some of the greatest threats to the Mormon religion even taught for a while at BYU.

The Mormon prophets fought this in every way they could. They told their followers not to look at anything that questioned the Mormon way because it was like cancer. The Mormon leaders revised and rewrote Mormon history, particularly regarding the Mormon foundational events which we are trying to briefly, and accurately report here. History of the Mormon church revised by its leadership will have little resemblance to the verifiable facts presented here. In many ways true history of the Mormons and Mormon history of the Mormons are so different as to be hard to believe as being the same subject.

Mormons have sent out armies of innocent young people who have been taught to push emotional buttons by having their own emotional buttons pushed. The so-called Mormon missionaries only know one very distorted version of the Mormon story. The Mormon story they are taught is very misleading and believed so completely that they frequently break into tears while testifying that they "know" it is true. The Mormon leaders increasingly tried to control the information that was discussed in Mormon meetings adopting brainwashing techniques used by organization like the Jehovah's Witnesses. They write the only acceptable lesson manuals, encouraging teachers not to look outside their scriptures, and their explanations, and their official lesson manuals. They tell them how they must think as Mormons. Mormons therefore become increasingly inward looking, islands of Mormonism in a broader culture, whether in Utah or elsewhere.

However, in spite of its wealth and power, and abilities to control the way Mormons are supposed to think, more and more Mormons are leaving Mormonism entirely, or become marginal participants. The Mormon prophets responded to all of this by redefining Mormonism. It was no longer the church of weirdoes practicing polygamy. Now it is the church of the traditional family, of man, woman and lots of kids. It today presents the very dangerous image that it is the church of Family Values. That represents a much more serious threat to disillusioned Christians, to those with a zeal for God but not according to knowledge, and to the great numbers who are frustrated by antichrist government sponsored and forced IMMORALITY. So today Mormonism represents a MUCH stronger delusion than it did with its foundations of polygamy and the Book of Mormon.

Joseph Smith's story also known as the Book of Mormon is RIDICULOUS in the light of archeological, historical, biological, and linguistic evidence. The facts of the DNA evidence TOTALLY DESTROYS the Book of Mormon and proves the Book of Mormon to be 100% pure Joseph Smith FRAUD.

The history of Mormonism from the beginning till now is marked by fraud and hypocrisy. In Mormonism, the end justifies the means. Mormon spousal abuse and financial fraud is far worse than the general population statistics, but the vast majority of Mormons do not know the truth of that secret. Mormons will display family values, and try to make a show of serving others. The Mormons pride themselves to DISPLAY, or put on a show, of many qualities that most people would think are good. However they very much overestimate how "good" they are in these terms relative to other groups of humans.

While Mormons say they are happy, Utahans (70% Mormon) either leads outright or is close to the statistical top in the US in personal bankruptcies, antidepressant drug use, rape, commercial fraud, multi-level marketing participation, spouse abuse and spouse murder. These are clear signs of a group of human beings who are under more stress than those to whom they are being compared. The pressures within the Mormon community could and should be considered Luciferian religious BONDAGE just like Islam. Sadly, though Mormons do not really believe in hell. ESPECIALLY SAD is the fact that unless they can get out of Joseph Smith's Luciferian religion, they are most certainly bound to some day find their souls bound in the everlasting burnings where Lucifer's great prophets Joseph Smith and Mohammed are both found today.

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