A Quick Look at the Book of Mormon

According to Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon is more correct than the Bible (History of the Church, Vol. 4, page 461) and contains the truths of Mormonism. However, if that is true, then why does the Book of Mormon contradict Mormon theology?

This is because the theology of Joseph Smith didn't really start to go off the deep end until after the Book of Mormon was printed. To harmonize their changing theology with their written scripture, the Mormons gradually redefined common Christian words. That is why the definitions of Mormon words are different than those of Christianity. See Terminology Differences between Mormons and Jehovah's Witness for more information on this.

The Book of Mormon Verses Mormon Doctrine

The Book of Mormon does not contain Mormonism. It is more Christian than it is Mormon. Mormon theology is about many gods, god being a man, men and women potentially becoming gods, but the Book of Mormon is basically Christian in its teachings.

The following information is in the Book of Mormon. Compare it to Mormon doctrine and see the differences. It is obvious that Mormonism grew and was pasted together as it developed. It is not internally consistent and it is self-contradictory.

The Book of Mormon Verses Mormon Doctrine

Book of Mormon says:
There is only one God
Mosiah 15:1,5; Alma 11:28; 2 Nephi 31:21

Mormon Doctrine says
Mormonism teaches there are many gods.
Joseph Smith, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 6, p. 5

Book of Mormon says:
The Trinity is one God
Alma 11:44; Mosiah 15:5; 2 Nephi 31:21

Mormon Doctrine says
The Trinity is three separate gods.
James Talmage, Articles of Faith, p. 35. 1985.

Book of Mormon says:
God is unchanging
Mormon 9:9,19; Moroni 8:18; Alma 41:8; 3 Nephi 24:6

Mormon Doctrine says
God is increasing in knowledge.
Joseph Smith, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 6, p. 120.

Book of Mormon says:
God is spirit
Alma 18:24,28; 22:9,11

Mormon Doctrine says
God has the form of a man.
Joseph Smith, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 6, p. 3.

Book of Mormon says:
Eternal hell
Jacob 3:11; 6:10; 2 Nephi 19:16; 28:21-23.

Mormon Doctrine says
Hell is not eternal.
James Talmage, Articles of Faith, p. 55.

Book of Mormon says:
Polygamy condemned
Jacob 1:15; 2:23,24,27,31;3:5; Mosiah 11:2,4; Ether 10:5,7

Mormon Doctrine says
Polygamy was taught and practiced.
Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 3, p. 266

12 Essential Mormon Doctrines not Found in the Book of Mormon

If the Book of Mormon is the "most correct book of any on earth" (History of the Church, vol. 4:461), then why does it not contain essential Mormon doctrines such as...

Church organization
Plurality of Gods
Plurality of wives doctrine
Word of Wisdom
God is an exalted man
Celestial marriage
Men may become Gods
Three degrees of glory
Baptism for the dead
Eternal progression
The Aaronic Priesthood
Temple works of washings, anointing, endowmants, sealing.

The founder of Mormonism said the Book of Mormon was the most correct book of any book, including the Bible (History of the Church, Vol. 4, page 461), and that a man could get closer to God by following it than any other book. Yet, essential Mormon doctrines aren't even found in it.

This is because the Book of Mormon is nothing more than a fictional account made up by Joseph Smith. It wasn't until after the book had been printed that the additional heretical doctrines of Mormonism started to develop. That is why the Book of Mormon sounds so Christian -- at first.

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